eQuran Centre

Learn Quran Online

Online Quran Reading Course

This reading course is designed to enhance the recitation abilities of the students to make them eloquent readers. It includes:   Identification of alphabets Correct pronunciation of verses and letters Application of Tajweed rules Explanation of words and verses In all the above-mentioned courses, the students are taught six kalmias, daily supplications, basic Aqaa’ida, etiquettes, sunnah, wazu, taharah, ghusal, etc.

Online Quran Learning For Kids

It is designed to teach the Quran to kids of all ages. Encouraging teaching techniques and influencing communication methods help the students to absorb lessons. This course is comprised of: Start with Noorani Qaida to familiarize the Arabic language. Identification of alphabets and pronunciation of words Memorization of the short surah, method of namaz, and daily supplication.

Online Quran Tafseer Course

The main aim of this course is to explain the meanings of the Quranic verses to understand, interpret, and explain Allah’s message. It includes:   Understanding of ground and principles of Islam with Tafseer Encourage oral presentation of complex ideas. Perfection in reading the Arabic language. Develop scholarly writing skills. Provide solutions to social, ethical, and religious problems.

Online Quran Memorization Course

This course is designed for students who are interested in memorizing the Quran by heart under the guidance of our expert Quran teachers. In this course, we focus on:   Pronunciation of the Arabic alphabet in the required origin Memorization of the Quran by applying Tajweed rules Training of method of five times of prayers, Jummah, Funeral, and Eid prayers with relevant Azan method Training about Islamic education, history, issues...

Online Quran Tajweed Course

The purpose of this course is to make the student an eloquent reader of the Quran by understanding the position of diacritical points and applying Tajweed rules. This course involves:   Introduction and purpose of Tajweed Understanding of Qiraat Application of Tajweed rules The rules of Waqf, Raa or Laam, noon, Huroof e Maddah, Huroof e Leenah, and Tanween

Online Quran Translation course

In this course, the students are encouraged to understand the meaning of the words and verses with a detailed explanation of the words. It is designed to strengthen the fundamental knowledge of Islam. The students are trained to understand the contextual meaning of verses. We provide qualified teachers to learn translation in Urdu, English, or any other native language.

Online Courses Detail

E Quran Centre provides expert and professional Quran tutors to teach Muslims across the world. The Quran enlightens our souls and throws the light of guidance on the right path of life. We provide several courses at affordable rates. Our dedicated teaching staff is available 24×7 to teach the Quran. The extensive variety of our Quran courses enables the students to achieve their goals in a minimum duration of time.